Well, I haven't always been in great shape, despite how I look today. The thing is, I've had chronic inflammation my whole life, which caused a lot of problems when it came to being active. As a kid, i had surgeries which caused me to stop exercising. All of the pain medication, stopped me paying attention to what I ate, and I basically stopped caring. I gained a lot of weight and became known as 'Fat Josh.' Growing up was tough; I got teased at school for being overweight, and my love for certain sports faded due to my issues.

But enough about me. There's something I'm really passionate about in the fitness game—helping people like you crush goals, whether it's losing fat, building muscle, or just getting healthier. I get it; it's not easy. If it were, everyone would look like a fitness model. But I want to show you that it's possible.

Now, you might be wondering, what makes me different from other coaches and trainers? Let's start by talking about training. My approach is simple: work hard, be consistent, and make steady progress. I've seen too many coaches make getting in shape way too complicated, which can overwhelm and discourage people. But it doesn't have to be that way. It starts with finding your 'why'—the thing that drives you to transform your body. It could be wanting to feel better about yourself or wanting to be healthier. Whatever it is, we'll find it together.

As for nutrition, it's all about balance and flexibility. We live busy lives with jobs, families, and social events, so strict diets with lots of rules just aren't practical. I'll help you find a balanced approach that allows you to enjoy your favorite foods and still make progress. I've tried all kinds of diets, from carb cycling to keto, so I know what works without making life miserable.

And when it comes to travel, I get it. We all want to enjoy vacations and time off. I have a relaxed approach when I travel, and I make sure to guide you through your holidays. So you can have that occasional cheat meal or enjoy local cuisine without feeling guilty.